The Traveling Adventures of Amanda

This journal is all about my European Adventures! Have a read but just be warned that reading could lead to extreme jealousy!!

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Climbing Down the Side of a Building!

Yesterday, after weeks of harassing my friends, family and neighbours, I finally took the plunge...over a building that is. Yes, that's right! I rappelled down the Molson tower at the corner of Bloor and Church in downtown Toronto, to the uter amazement of my Daddy and friends Sandi, Kenny, and Joel. It was amazing. There was little fear, thanks in most part to my forgetfulness and constant lateness, but was not completely without butterflies. I arrived at 2pm for my 2:30pm rappel, met my camera toting Dad, and proceeded to sign away my life on all the release forms. I was then taken up to the 8th floor where I sat and drank some water to sooth my parched mouth, got into 'costume' (which included my old camp shirt from 2003 and my SASS outfit), and harnesed up. Around 2:25pm or so I was escorted up to the roof where I boiled in the scorching sun for around 5 minutes, until I was brought up to the platform to be roped in. Before my decent I was videoed answering a few questions, such as 'Why did you want to do this?', 'What was it like working at an Easter Seal camp?', 'What did you gain from working at camp?'...not easy questions to answer while you are looking over the side of a building. Once that was all done I had to move from the platform onto the side of the building, a gap of about 2 feet. Those of you that are familiar with me know that I am not a tall woman...5'3" at most (probably closer to 5'2" if I'm really honest) and I haven't been keeping up with my Yoga, so it was quite funny watching me try to navigate that move. I did finally make it onto the ledge, dropped myself over the side, and started my decent. Now, where we practiced was down the side of a cement reality though the building I rappelled down yesterday was marble, and if you didn't know, marble is not the most easily griped material! But after a few steps I got the hang of it and after a few more steps even started to do a little jumping rather than just walking down. I finally touched down after about 5 mintues to find myself once again in front of a video camera. This time I was being asked 'How did it feel?' and 'Tell me about your outfit!'. Not easy questions to answer when you are experiencing a rush like that and being de-harnassed by a hottie! I stumbled through my answers and was finally able to escape to see my Dad and friends. There is no way I can successfully explain this experience, it's much like trying to explain the beauty of BC...just go and do'll understand.
Thank you once again to everyone that sponsored are all superheroes to the kids and youth that you have helped get to camp! With your donations I was able to raise over $1700!
"Oooooooooooooooooooh, I am proud of you,
Said I am proud of you, HEY!
I am proud of you,
Said I am proud of you, HEY!"


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