The Traveling Adventures of Amanda

This journal is all about my European Adventures! Have a read but just be warned that reading could lead to extreme jealousy!!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Planes, trains, and one tired girl!

So after almost 12 hours of travel, and about 5 years of planning, I have finally arrived in Europe. Mom and Dad dropped me off at the airport last night (after one final truely Canadian meal at Swiss Chalet) and I began to shed some tears in line. But I made it through and didn't have a break-down until I was on the plane and we were taking off. It just kind of hit me all at once. But then I started to pay attention to my surroundings and quickly cheered up. I have now flown one of the best and may find it hard to return to the rest. Air France was everything I expected it to be, and more. My own personal TV with 5 different movies (I watched Madagascar and Hostage if anyone really cares), some TV shows, and my personal favorite, a flight info section. I could actually track where the plane was by satelite, what our speed was, temperature outside the plane, and the time/distance to go. Very cool. Needless to say I didn't get much sleep, and you all know how much I need my sleep!
When I arrived in Paris to switch flights, I was actually picked up at my plane and escorted to my next flight. I felt SO important being rushed through the airport with two Air France employees. My second flight wasn't as enjoyable as I was SUPER sleepy and feeling sick to my tummy. It just couldn't end quickly enough. Once the plane landed in Athens, I got my bag, got a metro ticket, and made it all the way down town by myself! I know it's weird for me to say that considering I'm doing a whole trip on my own, but it was my first big hurdle, and especially since I felt so horrific, I am very proud of myself! After one wrong turn, I made it to my hostel, 'Hotel Zeus', safe and sound.
First of all, my bag weighs a TON! I am going to be in SUCH good shape when I get home! Especially if all my rooms continue to be on the 3rd floor (which in reality is the 4th floor, they just neglect to count the first one!!!) I took a shower as I was pretty disgusting, and then decided to be bad and take a quick nap. I know I was going to try and make it till I went to bed, but my body was having nothing of it. So I slept for an hour and a half, and am now out exploring the city.
I am staying in a quad dorm, with a woman from Minesota and a guy from Boston (yup, Amanda and two Americans), however the woman is leaving tomorrow for some greek islands. Today has been rainy, which I'm glad about, so tomorrow my plan is to go do all the touristy stuff, and then on Saturday perhaps do some shopping for postcards and stuff...but not looking too far in advance.
I'm not sure if it has really sunk in yet, that I'm really here, but I'm loving it already.
Love to everyone at home!


  • At 10:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Amanda I am so glad to hear you are there safe and enjoying yourself!! Hugest hugs & kisses.

    p.s. i forgot about the not counting the first floor thing from trip - funny little things that are different, eh?

  • At 7:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Amanda. We are happy that you are on your way with the island tour and have met up with some other folks. It's so exciting that our little girl is off exploring the Greek islands. We wish we could be there taking this all in, but that will come later. Miss you and love you...
    Mom & Dad


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