The Traveling Adventures of Amanda

This journal is all about my European Adventures! Have a read but just be warned that reading could lead to extreme jealousy!!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

The Adventures of Heidi and Amanda - Part 1

Yes, you have read correctly! The Irish Adventures of Amanda and Heidi have begun...the Gong Show has gone International! Scary but True!!!It all started last Saturday when I had my hair done by my extremely good looking Hair Stylist Mark. He gave me a colour and cut and a blow out...minds out of the gutter people! Then because I was running late (when am I ever not?) Sinead, my amazing roommate, lent me her car to go and pick up Heidi at the Shannon Airport. In case you didn't know, the Irish drive on the left...not the right...and the gear shift is on the left of the driver...needless to say it took me a few minutes to get used to it, lots first a few times and ended up in third, almost hit a few curbs, but finally made it down to Shannon in one piece! Heidi and I had a screaming reunion, jumped in the car, and made our way back to Galway. That night we went down to our Neighbourhood pub Sheridan's (Did I mention that we just discovered it and the three or us, Sinead, Orla, and I, headed down for some drinks a few weeks ago...within stumbling distance from home so it could become a common occurrence!) and we had dinner and some drinks. I let Heidi have a sip of my Guinness, but she just isn't at the loving it stage yet but I'll bring her over to the dark side yet! After a few drinks and lots of chatting, and more than enough food, we headed home where Heidi poured herself into bed. Sunday was really beautiful out so we did the typical Sunday thing and walked the Prom into town. On the way we stopped for a soft scoop from Mr. Whippie and enjoyed the Sun. After lunch, a 10 minute down pour, and some shopping, we headed back home for dinner and some TV.
Monday dawned nice and grey so Heidi decided to take a day trip and do a tour of Connemara, an area just north of Galway. She said it was really beautiful...unfortunately I have to work for a bit while she is here so can't get away to see everything with her. I am hopping to be able to head up to Connemara one weekend this summer though after seeing her beautiful pictures.
Tuesday was once again Sunny so Heidi took a trip over to Inish Mor (see my posting from Gail's visit for more on the island) and had a fun time touring around and seeing the sights. We planned to meet up at 6:30pm to head over and see 'American Dreamz' but the ferry back was late so we didn't meet until after 7pm. We had some dinner sitting in Eyre Square (the City Centre Square which has just recently been completed after about 2 years of renos - really funny to ask the locals about it and listen to them bitch about it for hours!) then walked over to Tesco to buy some snacks, and saw the 9pm show. Movie was funny, but not hysterical. Wait for the rental.Yesterday was once again beautiful so Heidi decided to just hang around in Galway, relaxing and reading. I found out I was going to get a raise, so last night we made a yummy dinner and drank a bottle of wine to celebrate. Good times!!!
Today the Sun has decided to stick around, which is really exciting because we are renting a car and driving down to Doolin tonight, for the start of our 4 day weekend of adventure! I'll take lots of pictures and give you all the updates when we get back next week! Really looking forward it!Stay tuned for more...


  • At 8:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You guys should start an international crime ring, that would be sweet cause you would pretty much just steal stuff, drink and have dwarves like mini me doing your bidding oh good times...

    just a thought, love you,


  • At 10:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Firecracker! how the hell are ya!
    i got your text last week I just about fell on my ass laughing! Ive tried like three times to write you an email today but my hotmail is messed - but expect to get a little somethin in the next couple of days!
    miss you tons and hope to hear from you soon!
    phone date soon???



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