The Traveling Adventures of Amanda

This journal is all about my European Adventures! Have a read but just be warned that reading could lead to extreme jealousy!!

Monday, March 13, 2006

Snow and a visiting Aunt

I can't believe that I have been neglecting my adoring fans for so long! I am deeply sorry to have caused any boredom or anxiety due to the lack of postings. But I'm sure this long one will make up for the fact that I have been so remiss. So much to share and not very long to share it...I'm trying to fit this posting in on my lunch break!
Life in Galway has been going well. The weather was really nice for a few weeks, hardly any rain at all. However I did wake up one morning about 2 weeks ago to little snow flakes falling from the sky (as opposed to falling from somewhere else!) It wasn't much, but it was definetly snow! Big fat fluffy flakes of it. I loved it but most people were completely panicked about it and it took me a really long time to get to work that morning! As you can see it was still bright out, the sun never stopped shining as it snowed. Orla, my roomie, warned me to be careful walking to the bus stop because it would be slipery, but we Canadians know that big fat fluffy flakes don't make the sidewalk slipery when they are lightly falling...especially when its still pretty warm! I loved it.
So after the snow, the next SUPER exciting thing to happen was that my Aunt Gail came to visit for 10 days! It was SOOOO much fun. She arrived the morning of Friday March 3rd and stayed until the 12th. She flew into Shannon Airport and took the bus up to Galway where I met her at the Bus Station. After a quick stop at my place to drop off her stuff we headed back into town to have lunch with Olivia (who was covering the office for me while she was here) and Cliona, our new office nurse. It was great fun and after lunch I sent Gail back to the house in a cab to rest while I worked for a few more hours in the afternoon. Friday night we just chilled out around the house with Sinead and Orla...did I tell you yet that we have a new roomate? Her name is Sinead and she is super fun! It was totally worth the wait for someone because she fits in perfectly with Orla and I!
Anyway, back to details of Gail's visit. On Saturday we walked into town along the Prom, chatting and getting caught up. We did a little shopping in town, I introduced Gail to Penny's and Dunnes (love cheap shopping!) and we had lunch together at the Front Door.
Saturday night we met Olivia, Jason, and Maura (their cousin) for dinner at a place called Nimmo's (pronounced Nemo...but there were NO funny fish on the walls). Dinner was yummy and we had a little room all to ourselves so we were able to all chat. After dinner we took Gail to hear some Irish music at a pub called the Crain and then headed over to Mossimo's for a few more drinks. Gail and I packed it in around 11pm and headed back to my place where I introduced her to 'Saved', a histarical movie that you HAVE to see!
Sunday was once again beautiful with just a few little rain clouds, so Gail and I jumped on the ferry and headed over to Inish Mor, one of the Aran Islands. When we arrived there were a bunch of tour guides there to meet the ferry. We decided to go with a guy named Bernie and it was great! It was just the two of us on his tour so we basically got the royal treatment! Bernie took us all over the island and told us all about the history, as well as all the local gossip! So much fun. Our first stop was at the 7 Churches, which is actully just one church and cemetary, but apparently 7 monks used to live there. It was so beautiful. Bernie told us that all the headstones face east because that is the direction to all headstones face that way? After that we went over to a cafe and had the best tomatoe soup I have ever tried in my life....SO YUMMY!! Then did some shopping in a few of the little shops. I didn't get much but Gail got a GREAT deal on some Aran Wool to make a sweater...way cheaper then just buying one! After shopping we headed up to DĂșn Aengus, an old fort built on the side of the cliffs. It's a round fort with walls that are 6m high and it sits on a cliff that is 300m high. Apparently no one knows for fact when, why, or by whom it was built, but the best guess is that it was the Dannes in the 9th or 10th century. The views were absolutely incredible and LOTS of pictures were snaped while we were there. On our way back down from the fort it started to rain and we ended up getting a little wet, but we were rewarded with a rainbow for our troubles. This was actually the second one we saw, the first was a full rainbow. It was incredible but I didn't get a picture of it.
After the fort we continued on our tour of the island, seeing lots of animals including cows, sheep, seals, and goats...SO cute!!!
That night for dinner we went to the local hotel and had a delicious dinner of lamb curry. We spent the night in a B&B and got up nice and early to head back to the main land. After a quick stop at the house to drop off all our bags, we wandered around down town for a few hours, lost each other for a while, then met up with Olivia and Maura again for lunch. In the afternoon we went to the gym for a bit of a workout and then went back to the house to hang out with Sinead.
My lunch hour is coming to an end so instead of doing one big posting I'll do a few over the next few days to keep you all salivating for more!!


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