The Traveling Adventures of Amanda

This journal is all about my European Adventures! Have a read but just be warned that reading could lead to extreme jealousy!!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Random Daily events!

So I seem to have just realized that I don't have to DO anything new and exciting to put a post on my blog! Sometimes just the daily stuff I see and do is enough to share! So where do I start? Well, I seem to have developed a shopping problem...but don't worry Daddy...I shop at all the cheap places...most of the time...and I figure I'm just making up for the fact that I could't really shop for over 3 months...and all the stuff I get is practical because I can wear it at work... this is me just justifying it. I think that I have actually hit the point where I am not going to spend anymore...really...its over...I even returned a few things that I got last weekend! So I'm ok! Really!
I am also currently dealing with an extreme desire NOT to get out of bed in the morning! I just love my bed too much...and its dark when I wake up. So needless to say I have been getting up later and later ever day which is making it a little difficult to get to the bus on time...and have had to run a few mornings...but it wakes me up and I figure its good to get a little early morning exercise...however it usually leaves me having a heart attack on the bus...which has just proved to me that I NEED to get to a I joined the one on campus. Haven't gone yet, but this week was crazy but I am going Monday night for the Aerobicdance class...sounds fun and I figure I might learn some new moves!
I also have to share the funny thing that happened on the bus the other morning. We were picking up a big group of people at a stop and on jumps this dog. He didn't seem to belong to anyone and the bus driver didn't seem to care, so this dog rides the bus all the way to the University were he got off. Apparently he is a smart dog and is going to study. So cute and just made me want to get a dog!
The other cool think to happen to me today was Sarah Goody, a friend/Supervisor from my University Co-op days just emailed me the email address for a friend of her's that lives in Galway, so fingers crossed I'll start to make some friends around here too!
I also signed up for a night class so that should help too.
I just want to Thank everyone that sent me emails/e-cards/mail for my birthday. It was so amazing to feel the love from home!!!
That's about it for now. Have a great weekend everyone!


  • At 12:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    A dog that goes to university! Man Europe has everything, although I'm not that impressed, I once saw a groundhog drive a car, it was in that movie groundhog day with the multi-talanted Bill Murray, come to think of's groundhog day that's kind of cool...anywho...what was I saying? Oh yeah, No More Blood for Oil! or something like that. Alright I'm off.

    you stay classy Amanda,


  • At 5:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    sounds like you are having a really good time...I'm still so jealous I shouldn't have come back from greece, I should have traveled with you. oh well i learned my lesson.


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