The Traveling Adventures of Amanda

This journal is all about my European Adventures! Have a read but just be warned that reading could lead to extreme jealousy!!

Monday, January 09, 2006

Welcome to Galway

So I have started to really settle into my life here in Galway, so I thought that I would take the time to introduce you to this amazing city that I will call home for the next year. Galway has a population of around 66 000, including all the little suburbs around it. It is on the West coast, basically straight across Ireland from Dublin. We do have an airport, however I have yet to find any flights that actually land there. For all of you that are familiar with Guelph, Ontario, it reminds me so much of there. There are two Colleges, so its got a very young population...which means more young men for me to pick up!! Yeah!!
If you look at the map, you can see that Galway is right on the coast, so just to make you all really jealous, I thought I'd show you a few pictures of the coast. The city has built a prominade
all along the beach so you can walk or bike from where I live right into town. It takes longer than just going through town, but its so much prettier. I love that when it warms up I'll be able to go and hang out at the beach, but I'm not too sure if it'll ever be warm enough to actually go swimming. But for those of you that have ever been to a cottage with me or worked at camp with me, get a few drinks in me and I'll all about the skinny I'm sure I'll make it in at least a few times!
Since Galway is so small, I decided to invest in a bike to get around so I wouldn't have to rely on a bus all the time.
While I was traveling through Europe, the dream of the bike took on a life of its own, so by the time I actually picked it up, it was covered in accessories. Here he is...after riding him home from the bike store, I realized that his personality definetly makes him male, and to go along with the Y&R theme of names for my vehicles, I decided to name him Victor. If you are wondering, yes, that is a basket on the front, and yes, those are pink and silver streamers. I almost got the Disney bell, but a little girl bought the last one...jerk. Victor and I are already getting along really well, and will be heading out again this afternoon so I can join the gym.
Since I showed you the inside of my house a few postings ago, I thought I'd also show you what the outside looks like. We are a corner unit, so have LOTS of windows, and a nice yard. The neighbourhood is relatively new, so the view from my window is great. Its got a few houses, but then just beyond those it is all farm land! All green and beautiful! Love it! Jealous, aren't you!
Finally, in town, there are a few statues around, however this one is right at the beginning of all the shops, so I pass it all the time. I finally stoped to see who the heck these guys are, and it turns out it's Oscar and Edward Wilde. No idea if they were born here, or lived here, or just visited once, but anyone can come and have a seat with the two of them and chat. And trust me, many toursits do. There always seem to be people sitting and having their pictures taken. Before Christmas, there was even a Choir that gathered around them and sang Christmas Carols. It was quite amusing to see!

So other news...I got a Temp job working as a receptionist in an Orthopidist's office. I basically will be doing all the admininstration stuff as there is just me and the two doctors. Its not a bad job, but its been difficult getting my body used to a routine again. I do like that I'm not just hanging out anymore. Don't worry though, I still plan on trying to get a job in a pub in the spring...just need to make a little bit of money first. I haven't really met anyone in town yet, but am hoping that now that the students are back and people are working again, that I will start to meet people. Its just so weird when you aren't in school or any groups where you have the opportunity to meet people. When I was traveling it was easy because there were always people in my hostels or seeing sights at the same time. But I'm staying busy and sooner or later I'm bound to make a new friend!

That's about it for now...don't forget that my birthday is in just 13 more days!!! WOO HOO!!!


  • At 1:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Okay "Spam" did not include the best moment yet- that picture of you in the white curly wig and Santa hat! Priceless Amanada!
    Good luck starting work again.. :)


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