The Traveling Adventures of Amanda

This journal is all about my European Adventures! Have a read but just be warned that reading could lead to extreme jealousy!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Amanda O'Gulka

I have SO much to share!!! Its only been 3 days but so much has happened to me! I arrived safe and sound in Galway on Sunday and of course it was raining! It just made me feel so welcome! But it managed to clear up by early evening so I did venture out for a bit of a wander around the city centre. Its so amazing here. Not too big and everyone is really friendly!
Sunday night I made some phone calls about room postings I had found online and set up a bunch of meetings for Monday. When I arrived at my hostel, the guy that checked me in told me not to be too disapointed if I didn't find a place right away, but that just pushed me to find a place and prove him wrong.
On Monday morning I went and saw the first place, unfortunately there were two females living in the house and they both smoked so the house did smell a little like an ashtray. But I was willing to take it for a few months if it meant I could have somewhere stable for a few weeks. Fortunately I had also set up some viewings for that evening so kept my fingers crossed.
The second place I looked at was also a single room and was quite nice, and the girls living in the house seemed like a really good time, but once again they smoked. But I was willing to deal with it because I really liked the girls there.
The third place was in a house where the owner lived, a young woman who bought the house just this year. The room is a double and there is no one smoking in the house.
The fourth place was pretty, but I would be sharing with 3 boys, and the house wasn't really too neat.
So I had it narrowed down to 2 places and just needed to choose between them. With a little help from Heidi, I decided to go with the third place I saw and moved in yesterday morning. Unfortunately I didn't the guy at the hostel before I left, but Galway isn't too big so I'm sure I'll see him around at some point!
I love my new place!! My landlady is named Orla and she has been living in Galway for 4 years and works as a Solicitor...kind of like a Lawyer. She's really fun and I am already enjoying living with her. There is another woman living in the house right now, but she is leaving to go to school or something...I think in there will be someone else moving into her room and then there is also a single room empty, but I don't know if Orla is going to fill it.

Yesterday I went and bought all new linens and I spent my first night in my new bed last night and it was utter heaven. I took some pictures and will post them, but I forgot my USB cord so will do it the next time I come to a computer.
I have registered with the local Immigration and have applied for a PPS number (basically a Social Insurance Number because they don't really want mine from idea why, but they said no).
I have started to post my CV (resume for all you who don't speak European) and will hopefully find something shortly after the holidays.
Heading to London tomorrow to spend Christmas with Susan, my awsome friend from Australia. It should be a great time, except of course when we both realize that we aren't at home and have the big cry!
I still can't believe that I am really here and settled! I even have a new Hair Dresser! Got my hair cut today and he is HOTT!!!!!! Might have to start getting regular cuts just so I can see him!
I have been on this computer for way too long so I am going to head out and grab some food for dinner and then head home to pack...again!
Love to you all!
PS sent out an email with my phone number (the last number I sent had one too many 0) and new address so if you didn't get it just let me know!


  • At 4:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    Hola mi amiga!! Feliz Navidad!! Like that? I'm getting sooo much better at Spanish these days (yah right...I quit my classes half way through!).

    I just wanted to FINALLY drop you a line since I have time to breathe. I've been reading your updates and get so excited that you're having an amazing've been talking about this trip since I met you and you're finally doing it!! Woo hoo!!

    Take care of yourself and get used to the rain...I hear there's a lot of it in Ireland!


    PS 2 weeks until I leave for Guatemala...stay tuned for my e-mails!!


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