The Traveling Adventures of Amanda

This journal is all about my European Adventures! Have a read but just be warned that reading could lead to extreme jealousy!!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

I can't seem to find anywhere to use Internet that is WARM!!

Two more days in Paris and so many more adventures to tell you about! On Monday I got up and headed to buy some more post cards...I sent 20 from Paris so there will be lots of lucky people getting mail in the next few weeks!! I then called mom & dad for the weekly update from Europe, and it is looking like there is going to be a Fall invasion of Gulkas!! So excited!
Once I got all the mail done and in the box, and had had a nice yummy snack of cheese and tea... weird combo but it workded...I set off for the Centre Pompidou. the building was built in the 1970s and some believe it looks stupid among the older buildings of Paris, but it is the home of the National Modern Art collection, so its only makes sense that it has a moder look to it! In order to provide as much gallery space as possible the architects actually put all the systems (water, air, gas, etc.) on the outside of the building and colour coded them. Its really cool. Inside I saw 3 exhibits, one that was all about light and shadow, a second all about the Dada art movement, and then one called the 'Big Bang' which housed all the centres pieces in categories acording to theme, not in chronological order. I loved the art and shadow exhibit because it was all interactive. The 'Dada' exhibit wasn't bad, but I just don't think I was cool enough to get it all, or really care. I really enjoyed the 'Big Bang' though because the pieces were so varied.
After looking at art for 4 hours I decided to peruse my Pariscope magazine and figure out what to do for the evening. I just happened to open it to the dance section and I noticed that there was a ballet taking place at the Théatre de Chatelet. So I jumped on the Metro and go my butt over there to see if there was any tickets left. There were some so I ended up getting a seat for 5€. Just another reason that I love this country!! Because I wasn't appropriately dressed for the ballet, I rushed back to my hostel and changed and was back in time to find my seat. I was in the secon balcony on stage right, but had the lights in the way so I ended up standing during the whole performance. As the orchestra started to play I realized that I recognized the music and grabed my ticket to read the name of the ballet. It said 'Casse-Nois'...or if you are english, the 'Nut-Cracker' I almost started to hyperventilate! AND it was performed by the St. Petersburg Ballet Company! How lucky am I that I just happen to find a ballet in the entertainment magazine that is the very ballet that I would watch every year before christmas? And not only that, but it was the first time I had ever been to the ballet! Needless to say I was on cloud nine. The performance was amazing and I think I only breathed about 2 breaths the entire show. I loved it. I walked all the way back to my hostel humming the music...I'm sure all the Parisians I passed thought I was loony.

Yesterday I decided to head to Versaille for the day. I did the tours of the Royal and State Appartments, and then wandered around outside for a little, but decided to save the gardens until my next visit as they weren't in full bloom and I have heard they are spectacular.
Last night I went to a movie with a Canadian staying in my room. I knew she was Canadian before I even met her, for 2 reasons. The first she had a maple leaf on her bag and the second because she is carrying around a Tim Horton's mug. Yup. The commercial actually happens in real life!
Today I scooted over to the Rodin Museum, which I loved, thanks for the tip Heidi! Its all sculptures and are all so amazing! I spent about " hours there just wandering around.

I caught the train late this afternoon and am now in Reims for 2 nights, home of Champagne. Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to get out to some wineries and sample the yummy liquid gold.
On friday I am heading back to Paris to see another ballet on Friday night and then meet some friends in Angers on Saturday. And then heading to the Normandy beaches on Sunday. Everyone keep your fingers crossed that the strike in Ireland is resolved so I can catch a ferry to Rosslare on Tuesday! If not I might have to fly and deal with my heavy bag and stupid luggage restrictions! AHHHH!
Anyway, off for some dinner and champagne!
Love to you all!!!


  • At 3:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    AHHH! you're going to Angers!! I love it!! You will have to tell me every detail of what you much fun!! I'm way excited for you - although there is not too too much to see I am just pumped that you are going to another place I've been since I've only been to 2 places in Europe! Woo hoo!


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