The Traveling Adventures of Amanda

This journal is all about my European Adventures! Have a read but just be warned that reading could lead to extreme jealousy!!

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Why is everything in Greece up-hill?

So two days ago I wrote the LONGEST entry EVER and when I went to post it the cheap-ass computer I was on froze. So here is my second attempt to bring you up-to-date on my life so far, fingers crossed it works!
So the last time I wrote I was on Mykonos enjoying the sun and sand. It has only gotten better. I'm going to give you a run-down of my adventures on each island, so once again, grab a snack and get we go.
After Mykonos we sailed over to PAROS. We stayed at a place called the Coral Rooms which is run by the greatest guy, Leo. The reception area is the bar which is also where you can check your email and where he serves us breakfast. He really enjoys making drinks, for under 3 euros each, and giving free shots. The first night we went to most amazing dinner after spending the afternoon on a beach with the clearest water. That night we just hung around with Leo and much fun. The second day there around 20 of us rented cars (thank you Cricket for preparing me to drive manual! I kicked ass and didn't stall car was even a little red chevy...your distance European cousin I'm sure of it!) and we traveled around the island. First we hit Parikia to see the 'Church of 100 doors'...I didn't count 100 doors, but I'll take their word for it. Then we went to Lefkes where we walked down to the cemetery where 100s of Greek and Australian Soldiers were buried after a world war (I forget which horrible am I). Because the town is car-free, we had to park outside town and then walk around. Like I said we walked down, and you know what that means...when it was time to leave we had to walk UP to get out. Feel the burn. Our third stop was at a church (which took Claire, Fay, Vanessa and I a while to find because we ended up at the end of the line of cars and got lost) which was a lovely walk UP HILL....and by up hill I mean up a the middle of the day...very sunny....but when we got to the top the views were worth it and the church was amazing. My favorite part of the whole climb though was when we got to the top and I looked over and remarked to the girls, 'hey look, a scooter...and a car...and a FRIGGIN' ROAD!!!!' But my butt and thighs got a workout so I let it go. Our final stop of the day was at Santa Maria beach which was beautiful and looked like it should have been in the Caribbeans. That night we went out for some disappointing seafood, but made up for it by heading out for a fun filled night of desert at a cafe...our group provided the entertainment for everyone sitting in the cafe-filled square...and by our group I mean me and Kate (my Australian twin...yes, there are two of us out there...scary I know!). On September 22 we left Paros for IOS, the party island. We stayed at a campsite, but actually stayed in bungalows. They were SO cute. They were round (modeled after the windmills on the islands) with two crescent shaped beds and a night table. I shared with Sam, my fellow Canadian traveler. The first night we had a BBQ at the village...see although we stayed at the campsite, it was attached to a hotel style place called the village. Anyway, we had real BBQ and the best Greek salad. Then we headed into town...because all you do in Ios is sit by the pool, drink at the bars, and sleep. Our first stop was at a place called 'Fun Bar' where we had 3.50 Euro cocktails, free poured shots (right into the mouth), and Flaming Lamborginis. The next stop was 'Blue Note' for two-for-one drinks and free shots....loved this place except for the two fat greek guys who were jumping around and landed on my foot...there is still a bruise...but then a hot Irishman bought me a drink and shot so that made my night. Unfortunately I was dragged from there to another place, called 'Red Bull' so was unable to chat him up. Red Bull had fun music and once again there were free shots....a few people got T-shirts (you drink 7 shots and get a free one). I ended up bailing around 3am from here and got a cab back to the camp with Julia and Alicia. I did forget to mention that because it's the end of the season in the islands, Far-out (where we were staying) had closed a bunch of buildings, including the washroom close to our bungalows, so to go to the washroom I had to walk down the hill, which meant walking UP the hill to get back to bed, so at 5am when I had to pee, I just went around the back of the bungalow and squated....I know I am SO classy. Anyway, Sam woke me up at 8am because he wanted to go for a walk, and I felt that my tummy was a little mad at me, so I threw on my fleece, grabbed my water, and trudged down the hill to the bathrooms. After emptying my tummy, I dragged my sleepy butt back up the hill, and crawled back into bed. Around 9am I repeated this before finally falling back asleep and not waking up until 1:30pm. Needless to say I had had an early evening the night before and most people didn't appear until around 2pm, when we all just sat around the pool drinking water and eating pizza. That night a bunch of us went back into town to the Fun Bar to watch 'Sin City' and then had some drinks. It was an early night though. The next day, September 24, we sat around the pool until we caught our ferry to SANTORINI. We stayed in a cute little villa there, and were around 15 minute walk out of town. But town was ALL UP HILL!! We went for dinner together that first night and then did some shopping...did I mention that most of the stores are open until around 12am on most of the Islands in Greece...amazing...but it can be dangerous if you go after dinner and some drinks...nothing happened but I can imagine that there is some buyers remorse after spending money in a shop after a few drinks. For our full day on the island we took a tour out to the Volcano which blew up 1000s of years ago, causing half of Santorini (or Thira) to collapse into the sea. It was interesting, but after 45 minutes walking around black rocks, in the blazing sun, UP HILL, you get a little over it. But after the volcano we went around to the Hot springs, jumped off the boat, swam in, slathered ourselves in mud (that looked a lot like some of the stuff that I often found in Elliot's diapers) and were stared at questioningly by all the other tourists. Apparently it makes your skin super soft...and it did...and it was really fun getting dirty. Did I mention that to get to the boat in Fira (the main village) we had to walk down the biggest hill ever? It's called the Donkey Path, and you would think going down hill would be fine, but my hamstrings were SCREAMING at me by the time I got down to the bottom. So when you get off the boat at then end you are faced with a tough decision. Do you walk back up the hill (CRAZY), take the cable car (BORING), or get a donkey ride? What do you think I did...come know me! So I climbed on Henry's back (he didn't have a name so I gave him one, however I never did check to make sure that he was a Henry and not a Henrietta) and we clop-clop-clopped all the way to the top. So fun, but I started to feel sorry for the donkeys after the novelty wore off after about 5 minutes, and wanted to keep him, but Nicole said I wouldn't be allowed to bring him on the ferry so we had to part ways. That night we all went to Oai where we had a sunset picnic. It was so fun to all just hang out, eating, and wasn't much different from every other night except for the sunset. We headed back to the villa afterwards, and sat around the pool drinking until around midnight. Finally, the next morning we woke up, packed up our stuff, and caught the ferry to NAXOS, our final island. A bunch of people decided to stay an extra day on Santorini so there were just 8 of us that went to Naxos that first night. We had a lovely sunset dinner at the local Taverna, then got some drinks and hung around our studio (once again we stayed in a campground, but because it's the end of the season we actually got amazing deals on the studios so stayed in them). Alicia thought it would be a great idea to play the Cornflake game (which I am totally bringing back to Canada) so that turned our night into a crazy laugh fest. The next day most of us just recouped on the beach for the was beautiful...soft sand and clear water. Last night a bunch more people showed up so we went out for 'Happy 9-hour' cocktails and then got back to the camp around 12am. Today 7 of us headed back to Athens, I am sharing a room at Hotel Zeus again with Claire and Fay, and tomorrow morning I am jumping on a plane to Corfu for a few days before heading over to Italy. Can't wait to really get into my traveling now! Miss you all and send you my love! Keep the messages (both email and phone) coming!!! I love to hear from you all!


  • At 7:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Amanda - I love your posts - so great to hear about the fun you're having...I'm mondo jealous. But, I just wanted to share that I laughed a lot at the part about the stores being open till midnight because I thought there might be some reference to our fave - "shopping seizure"! Okay maybe that's only funny to me....Love, HB


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