The Traveling Adventures of Amanda

This journal is all about my European Adventures! Have a read but just be warned that reading could lead to extreme jealousy!!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

The Adventures of Heidi and Amanda - London Pictures 1

Adrian named it the year
of the High Kick and who
are we to argue?

We were looking for somewhere to get a coffee or tea on our first morning in London and this guy singing in the window was just too good to pass up! What effort! The woman serving us told us that she had never served two more polite patrons before! Thanks Mom and Dad for teaching us to say Please and Thanks!

This is the statue of Peter Pan that Heidi really wanted to see in Hyde Park that took us over an hour to find! But it was really worth it when we finally did find it. So cute!

Yup, it says Cockfoster...I know I'm 25 but I am still that Immature. It kept us laughing for a good 5 minutes!

This is a little bit of home in Europe. It's called The Maple Leaf, but you can't really read the middle. I do enjoy that they highlighted the flag though!

Sharing pictures with our new friends i the Maple Leaf! I took a picture that Andrew (?) had on his camera of a friend climbing a was just that kind of night!

This is Heidi and I riding the tube on the way back to our hostel on Saturday night. I'm not really sure what is going on with my face on the right. I believe I was eating chocolate, but why would I make such a face around chocolate? It's my friend!

This was our friend Jack that we met. He was the one that was doing the Monopoly game. As you can see Heidi was also trying to take his picture at the same time. Between you and me I think she had a crush on him...actually if my intoxicated mind remembers correctly she told him she would live with him if he moved to BC! Slut!


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