The Traveling Adventures of Amanda

This journal is all about my European Adventures! Have a read but just be warned that reading could lead to extreme jealousy!!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Pictures of the Adventures of Heidi and Amanda

The adventure began on Thursday night when Heidi and I got picked up at work to go to Enterprise to pick up our car. This is him! We named him Tommy after the guy who helped us out with the rental, Thomas!
As we were driving down to Dingle we came across this beautiful beach and decided to stop and have a look. The water was chilly but not too bad. We both go our feet wet and wrote some messages in the sand...Heidi thinks they would be perfect for a slide show...she is SUCH an RM!
On our way from Doolin to Dingle, we came across this Windmill which is the largest in operation in Ireland. I really had to go to the washroom so I made Heidi stop and we did the tour. It turned out to be pretty fun...well maybe not fun but definetly informative!
We rented a car for our 4 day trip and I did really good with the narrow roads, driving on the left side, and even with shifting gears with my left hand. The only problem I seemed to have was that I kept hitting side mirrors on cars. This was my first victim, a truck in Dingle. All I can say is thank goodness for folding side mirrors. No damage to either car!

Dingle has some GREAT pubs, so instead of just enjoying one, Heidi and I decided to create a bit of a pub crawl. Our first stop was at a place called 'John Benny's' where we had dinner and listened to some great Trad music. While sitting there a group of older men and women came in with 4 people in matching yellow shirts. We could not figure out what the deal was, but didn't really care. Our next stop was at the hotel pub called 'Paudie's'. We came in just at the music was finishing and sat at the bar and had a drink each. We thought we were the funniest people there and were in histarics. We tried to call Adam at home, but he didn't answer so we wrote him a letter on the back of some coasters. They were made of a material much like thick napkins. Very absorbant. I thought they might be a great antipersperant...Heidi didn't really agree. Our last stop was at a place called Murphy's where there was a GREAT band that played 'The Gambler' for me and a bunch of other great songs. The yellow shirts were also in this place and Heidi made friends with them. The music was so great that we got up and danced a little. When the pub closed we wanted a picture at the front to remember the night, and one of the guys followed us out so we thought he'd be a fun addition to the picture. Little did we know how fun!

Dingle is the home of a famous Dolphin named Fungi. There are pictures and stuffed animals, and there are tours that run out to see him every day. This is my immatation of a dolphin, Fungi in the flesh, and Heidi riding the waves. Loved the kitch!

The deal with driving was that if there was ever anywhere that Heidi wanted to stop and take pictures, she just had to yell out the code word...'STOP!' This was one of those stops. I decided to jump the fence and get some close pictures. This mama sheep was relaxing with her babe until I got a little too close for comfort, and she jumped up and stood beside it. I just snapped a few pictures and then climbed the back up. Loved being one with the sheep for a few minutes! What do you do when you are in Ireland, the sun is shinning, it's warm out, and you come across a beautiful Atlantic beach? Why pull over, throw on your bathing suit, and run into the water of course! The only rule was you had to get your hair wet, and we both did, however we may have experienced a little bit of shock once we were out...but lived to tell the tail!
Once upon a time in Ireland, people lived in Bog villages, which were basically houses whose roofs were made from mud and peat (is that the same thing?). We came across a village and decided to stop and check it out. This goat was at the front and it had such creepy eyes we had to take a picture. The cat was sleeping below and scared the beegeebies out of Heidi. I named him Bill.

Many, many years ago, Charlie Chaplin used to Vacation in the little seaside resort town of Waterville, Co. Kerry. In order to commemorate this, the towns people got together and put up a statue of Charlie, life-size. It was a photo-op too good to pass up!

While touring on the Aran Islands, Heidi heard from some other people that there was a castle near Killarney called Ross Castle. Her mom's married name is Ross so we decided to head over and take a look. Although we told the people that her name is Ross, apparently that doesn't mean that Heidi has some claim to it, or that she even gets a discount on the entrance fee!This is a picture of Mucross House. It's a really beautiful house on the Ring of Kerry that Heidi heard about from some tourists. We got to go in and have a tour, however weren't able to take pictures...I have no idea why! The gardens were also really beautiful, but didn't want to bore you with those pictures. But I will send them to anyone that wants to see them!
Thoughout our trip Heidi and I decided to be rebles and started stealing things. We started in Dingle where we stole a piece of firewood from the pile next to us. Then we thought it would be funny to start to take something and leave the previous item we had stolen. So from our hostel in Dingle we stole a rock holding that was holding down brochures, and left the wood. Then when we got to Kenmare we left the rock and stole a tea light from the restaurant where we had dinner. We needed a knife for the car and so we left the candle at the hostel and stole one of their bread knives. Our next stop was Cork, but of course we forgot the knife, however Heidi still wanted her beer mug, so we stuffed it with napkins and put it in my bag. That was the end of our stealing because Tyrone (Olivia's Dog) was the only thing I wanted to steal from her house but he wouldn't get in the car!

This is the Blarney Castle. Basically you climb to the top, (using the most slippery and narrow steps ever!) lay down, bend backwards and kiss a stone. God I love the random Irish Traditions!

This is Heidi on the left and me on the right kissing the stone. Apparently it blesses you with the 'gift of the gab' either of us needs any extra help in that department! I have to say that these are probably not the most attractive pictures of us but whenelse will I ever get a picture of myself from this angle?


  • At 8:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Hunny!!!
    Just ur cuzin Ash sayin Hiiii :) Sounds like ur having an awsome time and i can't wait to see you again!! We miss u and hurry home. Oh, my email is, well i have 2 emails but thats the one i use most often, sooo hope to hear from you sooon!!! Love ya....*ash*


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