The Traveling Adventures of Amanda

This journal is all about my European Adventures! Have a read but just be warned that reading could lead to extreme jealousy!!

Monday, November 20, 2006

New BFF (That's Best Friend Forever for anyone not down with the 'Street' lingo!)

On Thursday night I went to a fashion show with Cliona in aid of the National Breast Cancer Research Institute in Galway. It was paid for by work and we thought it would be a great way for Cliona to meet the people in the industry (she's the Mastectomy Nurse in the office...she provides Brest Prosthesis...if you really want to know just email me!). So of course I bought a new dress...a hot little strapless black number with white polka dots on it...LOVE New Look! And Cliona looked fab in her yellow dress from Brown Thomas. We went, had a few complementary flutes of pink sparkling wine and a few little nibbles, and then went in and watched the show. We ended up 3 rows back from the run way, right in the middle of a bunch of reserved seats. Only 2 rows in front of us (that would be the row right in front of the cat walk) was Martin Sheen...yes...THE Martin Sheen...President of the United States (if you believe the West Wing is real, which I secretly think it is). So of course I was SO excited! Oh, if you didn't know, Martin Sheen moved to Galway in September and is taking courses at the University...can't remember which ones, but I think they are psych, English, and drama (oh yea, that's fair!). I wanted to take a picture but apparently that's not very 'cool' (and I had forgotten my camera) so I decided not to. The show was good, but my hours of watching America's Next Top Model have turned me into a model critic that isn't always so nice! Some of the girls had NO personality and were SO boring to watch...but it was fun to see all the pretty clothes, even if I can't afford any of them!
After the show as we were walking to the car in the underground garage, and who is parked right beside us, smoking a cigarette (which is SO illegal in the underground!)? Mr Sheen! I immediately knew that this was the moment that would prove if I really was cool or if I would turn into either a mute idiot or a raving lunatic. It was touch and go for a few seconds (I did screech to Cliona 'OH MY GOD...we parked next to Martin Sheen!') But then he turned around and said 'Hi' to us. This is how the conversation went (or at least how I remember it...I'm sure I am SO paraphrasing but you get the ides!)...
Me 'I feel like I should be calling you Mr President!'
MS 'Ha ha ha'
Me 'But I'm sure you hear that all the time'
MS 'Were you ladies upstairs at the due?'
Me ' did you enjoy it?'
MS 'Mmmmm...Are you from America?'
Me 'No, from Canada'
MS 'Oh, I was just in Toronto meeting Martin Scorsese (spelling??)who was filming a movie there'
Me 'Its lovely there'
MS 'I was also out in Kamloops over the summer filming a movie...I'm not sure if you would know's on the West Coast'
Me 'Oh yea...I worked in BC for two summers and drove home through Kamloops'
MS 'My son (didn't say which one) is good friends with a hockey player from there'
Me Blank Stare...No idea who the hockey player is
MS 'So are you at the College here?'
Me 'No, working as a Office Manager...that's why we are here...Cliona (pointed to her) is a nurse in the office'
MS walks over and shakes Cliona's hand
MS (to Cliona) 'Are you from Canada too?'
Cliona 'No, from Galway'
MS 'Are you not going to the Dinner?'
Me & Cliona wondering 'WHAT DINNER???? FREE FOOD?'
Cliona 'No...have to get up early to work'
MS 'Well, have a good night'
Cliona 'Thanks, you too'
Me 'Bye Mr President' (Ok, so I didn't say that last bit out loud, but I was SO thinking it!)

So now of course we are best friends and will hang out lots until I leave to head home...and maybe the next time he's in Kamloops he can show me around!


  • At 8:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    you're waaaay to cute.
    i've told everyone in the office of my famous friend!
    can't wait until you're home!

  • At 9:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    OMG as if you're coming home in 16 days. I hate that I don't get to see you till after x-mas. You know I love you and am counting the minutes, right?? I neeeeed you in my life!
    Did you get my email? Are you alive?
    Love yah, HB


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