The Traveling Adventures of Amanda

This journal is all about my European Adventures! Have a read but just be warned that reading could lead to extreme jealousy!!

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Lots of pictures from lots of places!

Apparently Florence has had the very 'unique' idea of buying cow statues and having them decorated by local artists, then display them all over the city, and the auction them off for charity. Apparently someone needs to send them a memo that Toronto did this almost 10 years ago! This is me and Vicky posing with one of the cows in the train station.

Just one of the amazing views from my hike in Cinque Terre. That little speck out in the water is actually two old men in a row boat. They were so cute! The water here was the most unique colour of blue I have ever seen. Amazing!

This is the view from the restaurant where Alicia and I stoped for lunch. Each 'step' in the hill was covered with grape vines whoes grapes are used to make the local wine.

This is me and Alicia at one of the look-outs on the trail. That panel next to us had buttons that called different emergency people including fire and ambulance. We did wonder how long it would have taken them to actually get to someone who had hurt themselves as we were almost right in between two different villages! We were going to time it but it was too hot and we really just wanted to get to the beach. Maybe next time.

This is the beach at Monterosso. We had to walk around the hill in front of it before we could get there. I don't remember the exact time, but I think it took us around an hour to get there. But like I have said, the views were definetly worth all the pain of climbing!

AHHHH! Paradise! We were just around the bend, in the home stretch...I think we would have ran if we could have, but our legs and butts said 'NO!' to that idea!

Just like every other tourist in Pisa, I had to take the picture of me holding up the Leaning Tower. I don't know if you can see the girls behind me, but all along this street was people posing in the same way. It was one of the oddest things I've ever seen. Anyone looking down on Pisa that had no idea what was going on would seriously question how humans could be the smartest species on earth.

When I rented my bike in Lucca, I rode around the walls. These tree covered paths were my most favourite part, however the small parks along the way were really nice too. I asked an English couple to take my picture on my bike and they clearly could NOT understand how to used a digital camera because it didn't take. And they weren't an older couple...probably in their early 30s...idiots.

These are my new boots!! I don't know how well you can see them, but they are in a diamond pattern with all different colours. I love them SO much!!!

When you go to Verona, the first thing you need to do is go to Casa Guilietta (Juliet's house). Outside is a bronze statue, and legend is if you rub her heart then you will find your true love, unfortunately, people don't have a very strong sense of the human body so have been rubbing the right side, not the left. Because we are sheep, we just did it too...pretty cool to feel up a statue and to see all the older Asians in the tour group that was there at the same time feeling her up and giggling at the same time. Cheap thrill!
And then of course there is the famous balcony! For 3€ Susan, Chris and I did the tour of the house and were actually able to get up on the balcony. It was pretty cool. There is a picture of it, but I don't know who has it, so if I ever get it I'll try and post it!
This is the Duomo in Milan. It's about the only thing I saw in Milan because it was so urban that I really just wanted to shop. Was really glad that I decided not to stay there because it really was only worth a day trip. Couldn't get in to see the 'Last Supper' because they are currently taking reservations for December 28 and I didn't want to waste precious shopping hours standing in line. I'll see it one day, or just look at it in a book!
I did have one of the best sandwhiches I've had in Italy at a little Bar down some random side street....sooooo good...I wish I could go back and get another one!
This is the Arena in Verona. It's smaller than the one in Rome, but in better condition. They actually still have concerts here, and it looked like they were actually cleaning up from a recent one. The stands were all still in great shape and the floor too. Really interesting to see, but I did prefer the Roman one because you could see all the stuff behind the scenes.

This is me and my new boyfriend. His name is Russell...just kidding...but I got this picture done, and then as I was going to leave he asked me for a tip. I was so shocked I gave him one euro and he said it was two. We clearly broke up after that.

This is Juliette's (can you tell I don't know how to spell her name because it's different ever time!) Tomb. It was pretty cool to see. I was with a guy named Warrick (a la CSI) and I tripple-dog-dared him to get in and I'd take his picture. He did then told me to do it to. It was a little creppy but her bones aren't there anymore (some nuns got pissed that everyone kept seeing a sinner - because she committed suicide - that they dumped her bones somewhere else).

While inVerona, we discovered the 'Mountain Cheese Olympics'. It was really cool. Cheese makers from all over the Alp regions of Europe come to Verona to find the best cheeses. There were free samples and really cheap wine. We stood around for almost an hour while they got organized for their opening ceremonies. These people in yellow were just one of two groups who where dressed up in these great little outfits, the others were just green though. There was a flame brought in and guns were shot off (that huge gun in front of the guy on the right!) and there was a woman who looked like middle-age Barbie. So random and fun!


  • At 8:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Great Pics again Amanda. Just read your latest posting and already can't wait for the next one. The adventure just keeps on going and going. Till next time keep safe.

  • At 7:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm glad you left Russell - although I'm wondering what he what have done for 5 E's? mom xoxo

  • At 7:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Amanda
    your pictures are great...glad the digital camera is working out so nicely! Loved the Pisa picture..hahahah, very you!
    You never did say what you bought at H&M cause you know I will be anxiously waiting to hear!
    Too bad about Russell, sounds liek a cheap loser with extremely long legs...hahahah
    keep having fun

  • At 9:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Gulks my Canadian Twin,
    Glad you're having so much fun, I too went to Cinque Terre and have decided it is the most beautiful place on EARTH! I'm back in Australia working at my Dad's, have applied for uni so playing the waiting game with that, Am going to sort out my photos soon so your family can see the photos OTHER people take of you when you're being naughty hehe Just jokes!! Glad ur having a ball, chat soon, LOVE KATE xxx

  • At 2:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Amanda, finally got the chance to look at most of your blogs and WOW there I was in a picture with you and the cow. How nice of you to include me in your memoirs. Dave and I really enjoyed getting to know you and hope to meet you again someday. Maybe in Ireland. Love the boots, too. did you get them where I told you the shop was in Firenze?? We are still in Firenze, and will probably l eave around the 18th of the month to head to rome and then to Florida.
    God Bless you and keep you safe in your travels. Keep in touch with us. Vicky and Dave Caskey
    ps, we went to see the movie "Oliver Twist" today at the Odeon and it was great.


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