The Traveling Adventures of Amanda

This journal is all about my European Adventures! Have a read but just be warned that reading could lead to extreme jealousy!!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

There's a song by Madonna called Rain...right?

So about 4 days ago, I boarded a ferry and left Greece behind for new adventures. I finally made it off Corfu after getting my act together and waking up in time to check out. It rained again, of course, so I didn't really do much my last day there. I caught the 5pm ferry from Corfu over to Igoumenitsa, and it was not exactly what I expected. I am used to ferries that are pretty big and sturdy...unfortunately this one was pretty small and because the weather was so bad, very rocky. But I made it across without any barfing, which was a feat unto itself. I made the hike over to the terminal in Igoumenitsa to get my ticket for the 11:29pm ferry, had a quick conversation with the guy behind me in line (after he made a comment about the weather proof cover I had on my bag...SO much love to you right now Katie!), dropped my bag in the 'left luggage' room, and then headed out for dinner. I ended up just walking down the street and eating in the first place I came to. I don't know the name of it, but it was run by a man and his parents. His mom just seemed to wander around, but his dad was the waiter...and he was the cutest old greek man I had ever met. Anyway, I was the only one there so they sat me down in front of the TV andturned on Greek News. I have NO idea what they were talking about, but I did see some familiar faces and it was kind of interesting trying to figure it all out. Slowly others started to arrive as well, so it became pretty busy. I had a great meal of Greek salad, fish, sardines, and bread. SO YUMMY. But when the bill came, I realized that I couldn't use my Visa, and I had used all my cash to pay the Port Fees when I got my ferry ticket. I explained the situation to the owner, and asked if I could just leave my bag in the restaurant (taking out my camera, passport and wallet of course) and go down to the bank. The owner said it was too far, and got on the phone. The next thing I knew he was telling me to follow him. We got in his car and he drove me to the bank machine (which was only a few blocks away) and then he drove me back to the Terminal. It was a great dinner.
Back at the ferry, I found the guy that had spoken to me in line, and sat down with him. Turns out his name is Eric and he's from Georgia (USA). We chatted for a while, and then decided to go and see if we could get on our ferry early. We put on all our bags and headed out but couldn't find it, so headed back inside to keep waiting. The ferry finally showed up around 12am, so once again we put on our bags and headed to the huge I've never been on a cruise ship, but this thing totally felt like on to me. It was beautiful with a few bars, a casino, a pool (somewhere, we never did find it), and staff wearing little blue morning jackets. Anyway, Eric and I found some seats, pulled out our sleeping bags and got a little sleep. For a night spent in Airplane seats, it wasn't too bad of a sleep.
The next morning when we arrived in Bari, Italy, we hiked it over to the Train Station (thank goodness for Eric because I had NO idea where it was and Bari isn't in my Europe book!) Turned out that the next train to Naples/Rome didn't leave until 3pm. So Eric and I had a Bari date! We just walked around for a while, then sat and read in the sun for a few hours. It was a great day!
I finally made it to Naples around 7pm, and made it to my hostel around8pm. It's a really cute place called '6 Small Rooms'. I met 4 Aussies, who I went out for Pizza with that first night, and who I went to Pompeii Entrance with on Monday. See, it was pouring rain, so when we got to Pompeii we all kind of flacked out and decided we didn't want to walk around in the rain all day. We ended up just going back to the hostel and chilling for most of the day, which was totally fine with me because I was SO drained from my day of travel the day before.
Yesterday it rained again all day, and the Aussies took off for other parts of Italy, so a guy Phil and I decided to go to the Archeological Museum, but unfortunately I didn't really read my book and it turns out the Museum is closed on Tuesday...bugger! We then just wandered around, checking out some art galleries and Piazzas, but once again I was back at the hostel around 4:30pm. Last night a few of us made a fabulous pasta dinner with Prawns, then sat around talking, drinking, and playing cards.
Today I am heading to Rome for 5 days, and I am pretty excited. I am hoping this horrible weather clears up soon so I can do some more stuff outside and hopefully have some funny stories to share! Keep your fingers crossed!!! Love to you all!!!


  • At 9:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i think it's funny that i recently finished reading Angels and Demons by Dan Brown, and most of the novel takes place in Rome....
    you're so stinkin lucky.
    take lots of pictures!!!!


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