The Traveling Adventures of Amanda

This journal is all about my European Adventures! Have a read but just be warned that reading could lead to extreme jealousy!!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Top 10 reasons I love Italy

  1. There are no toilet seats anywhere in this country...I don't know why this is. Perhaps they were deemed too unfashionable or something, but there are none to be found. Not only this, but there are also some hobbit sized toilets and some that are just ceramic tiles on the floor with places for your feet and a hole in the ground. You may be wondering why this has made my top 10, but I thought it was funny that I have now been in 2 countries and in both I have experienced weird bathroom issues (see Greece Favs for other reference!). I also enjoyed the work-out my quads and hamstrings endured because of all the squatting. And lets be honest here...I am the girl that loves to squat in the outdoors and so everytime I went to the washroom it was like I was camping or at a cottage!
  2. On the topic of bathrooms, I also need to mention the bathroom on the train today. There was actually nothing to catch the waste coming out of ones body, and therefore it went directly onto the track below. I found this both disgusting and slightly facinating as I sat and felt the wind in a place that had never felt wind before. Just thought I'd share that. Hope you enjoyed.
  3. explanation needed
  4. Old Italian folk. Always the first to smile, and even after they are told you don't understand italian, let alone speak it, they still continue to talk to you in it, and magically you seem to somehow understand them. I would adopt them all if I could.
  5. Meeting up with new friends again! I met Victoria in Naples and then wandered with her in Venice. I also met Dom in Naples and then met the pope with her in Rome (ok, so we didn't meet the Pope, but we were closer than you are right now so beat that!). Chris, Nick, and Simon first appeared in my life in Rome where I watched them drink 10 litres of wine with 3 Americans and then barf all over the bathroom (sorry guys, but its true, don't try to deny it), and then made two more guest appearances in Florence and then in Verona...and fingers crossed we run into each other in Paris in a month! Alicia was also a Rome friend who I met with again, in Cinque Terre the second time, and thankgoodness I did because she helped me get through that 14km hike! Susan was a Florence friend who I traveled with to Verona, and who I will see again in 4 short sleeps in London, WOO HOO!! Ginel, Jerrod, Warrick, and Tiffany were all great people I met in Verona who all followed me to Venice and even stayed in the same campsite as me (on my recommendation!)
  6. My new Rubber boots. If you haven't checked them out yet just take a look at the picture below. They are amazing and I can't wait to wear them in Ireland when it rains!
  7. Touching the boobie of a bronze statue. It was quite amusing to actually make a point of going to Juliet's house and feeling up her right breast, even knowing that we are supposed to be rubbing the left one...which I also did just in case! Italy is a country of romance, you just need to look around to see all the public displays of affection between couples (quite a few of them are practically humping in the streets...loved it!), and yet one of the major attractions in one of its most beautiful cities is such a crude and pervy action.
  8. Finding 2 references to Guelph in Italy! The first was in Florence when I found Via Guelfa, and the second was when I was in Verona at Juilet's tomb. When you buy a ticket they provide you with a brief history of the story of Romeo & Juliet (which, if I haven't already told you, is actually based on two real young wasn't just some story made up by old Willy Shakes!) and in the history there is mention of a family (I think it was a family, might have been a city...but pretty sure it was a family) names Guelph. Just brings home that much closer and makes you realize that we do all come from the same history.
  9. Cheese Festivals. Ok, I know I only went to one, but what is not to love about it? Free cheese champagne...great Olympic-caliber opening a word...genius!
  10. Carbs, carbs, and more carbs...from pasta to bread...its all about the refined carbs and not so much about the fruits and veggies...oh, and the wine...thank goodness for the wine!


  • At 4:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Forgot to tell you last time that I love your boots! Great pics again. Look forward to more. Your Dad is right about Letterman. Look forward to more of your travels. Love Auntie Shell


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