The Traveling Adventures of Amanda

This journal is all about my European Adventures! Have a read but just be warned that reading could lead to extreme jealousy!!

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Touching a bronze boobie!!

It's been a while so...but I feel I start all my postings like instead I will say...YEAH...NEW POSTING!!!
My last night in Florence I ended up going to the buffet/drink/movie night at the cinema with Susan, Mandy, and a few others from our hostel. They had way more food the second time, so it was great, we all got nice and full for really inexpensive, and you just can't beat champagne and a movie! The movie was Charlie & the Chocolate Factory, and it was even better the second time. Susan and I crashed pretty early that night, but I did stretch out in my bed to get the full satisfaction of a double bed.

The next morning Mandy headed to Rome, and Susan and I headed to Verona to meet up with Nick, Simon,and Chris. When we got there, Susan hung out in the station while I went to check into my hostel. Around 3pm we all met back at the station and headed into town. Our first stop was for lunch, and we had what the Aussies refere to as Kebabs, but us Canadians (and Greeks!) call Gyros...but they were in Panini bread...probably one of the best I've ever had, and it was in Italy, not Greece!
After lunch we headed to Juliette's house to feel her booby (so we can find our true love!). Chris, Susan, and I did the tour of the house as well which was really cool. There were quotes from the play throughout the house, and we even had the chance to stand on the balcony! So amazing!
After the house we wandered around a market for a while, then Susan had to leave to get back to catch her train. The boys and I headed to an internet cafe and then Simon and I sat and had a coffee/tea, while Chris and Nick went and bought some snacks and beer. We headed back to the station around 9pm to catch our buses, and I realize that the bus I would take during the day stopped at 8pm, so I had to figure out which one to take. It didn't come till 10pm, and I was SO hungry that I broke down and did something I told myself I would never do in Europe....I had McDonalds. It was the only thing to eat at the Station and I didn't think I would find anything to eat near my hostel. I had chicken nuggets in case anyone was wondering, and the fries are not as good as at home...I think its because in North American we use more fattening lard. I finally made it back to my hostel (totally by accident...I had NO idea where to get off the bus!) and headed right to bed.
Before I go on I should tell you about the hostel that I stayed in. It's an HI (Hosteling International) Hostel, and it is really beautiful. Its a converted church with some beautiful Frescoes and some beautiful gardens (which I didn't explore because it was raining the whole time there). Unfortunately they had some really interesting rules. Like we had a lock-out between 9am and 5pm, so we couldn't get in our rooms during this time, we had a curfew of 11:30pm, and lights out at 12am. It was really crazy!
Monday I took the train to Milan for the day and saw the Duomo and did a little bit of wandering. But my real reason for going was so that I could go shopping, which I did at H&M and at United Colours of Beniton. So much fun! Didn't get a lot, just some more tees and a pair of gloves, because it is all of a sudden really cold in Europe...and only going to get colder!
On my way back to my hostel at the end of my travels, I stopped in at a bar just down the street and ended up chatting with the owner for 3 hours. He was the nicest Italian man. I don't speak italian, and he doesn't speak english, so we ended up chatting in french the whole night, about our families and our lives. It was such a cool evening. Dinner was yummy, and he kept feeding me champagne afterwards so by the time I left at 9pm I was just a little tipsy.
My last morning in Verona, I met an Aussie named Warrick at breakfast and we decided to walk around for the day together. First we went to Juliet's house because Warrick hadn't seen it, and while he was doing that, I bought some socks...I told you...its getting cold! Then we walked over and did a tour of the Arena, which is a mini version of the Colosseum in Rome, only in much better shap. It was really cool to see what it would have looked like when it was being used for executions and killing shows. After the Arena we decided to wander for a bit, and ended up at Juliette's Tomb. Once again there were quotes everywhere, and there was a little museum of art from the church it is attached to.
In the afternoon we decided to head back to the cheese festival that we had seen in town, and watched the opening ceremonies. After that we walked around sampling cheeses and drinking wine. The second time we went to get a glass of wine I asked the guy working the booth how much it was for a full bottle and he told me it was 4€, when just a glass was 1€. So of course we did the logical thing and bought a whole bottle. The two of us then sat on the steps of some government building and drank it in our little plastic flutes.
For anyone who knows me, after 3 glasses of champagne I am pretty tipsy, so after heading to an internet cafe, I was ready to head back to the hostel. Warrick bought a second bottle of the champange, and we sat on a patio at the Hostel with 3 other Canadians and drank it and another bottle of red. Around 10pm Warrick decided he wanted to go to a bar, so I threw on some shoes and we basically ran into town to find one. We each had a drink, then had to race back to the hostel to be there in time for curfew. I felt like I was back in High School!
Early the next morning, I poured myself out of bed, packed my bags, and grabbed a train with Ginel and Jared (a Canadian Couple from Alberta/Saskatchewan) to Venice. Our shuttle to the campsight we are staying in takes a siesta between 12 and 3pm, so we had some lunch and wandered a little. I really love Venice so far! The campsight we are staying at is great. I have a little cabin with 2 single beds, but there is just me in it, and then Jared and Janelle are sharing one. I took a nap yesterday afternoon, then did some emailing, met J&J for some pre-dinner drinks, had dinner, and then headed back to my cabin for some chill out time. J&J headed into town today on the 11am bus, but I decided I wanted to post some pictures on my blog, write a message, and do some laundry, so I am going to catch the 3pm bus. There was a Marathon in town today, so I figured by 3pm a lot of the crowds will also be gone. Tomorrow I'm going to be in Venice again, and then might stay on Tuesday as well. I will be heading to Innsbruck Austria soon, then Salzburg, and finally Vienna next Sunday so I can catch my flight to London on the 31st. I need to find a costume too!!! AHHHH!!!
That's about it for me right now! Sending love to everyone!!!


  • At 8:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Glad to see you are having such a great time and meeting so many interesting people. Keep the adventure going. Look forward to your next entry and send more pics. Travel safe. Love. Auntie Shell

  • At 8:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Love the pictures - with the detailed descriptions...... it is like being there. The boots are very cool, but you know that already. 6 weeks sure has lot of memories packed into it. Enjoy yourself. Julie


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