The Traveling Adventures of Amanda

This journal is all about my European Adventures! Have a read but just be warned that reading could lead to extreme jealousy!!

Friday, November 04, 2005

Buses, Tubes, Trains, and many forms of transportation!

Please excuse any rambling or non-sensical things that I write because I am going on very little sleep which will be explained momentarily.
My time in London was a really great break from the constant moving around of travel. Although it was only 3 nights, I feel so refreshed, and almost 100% again.
My day of rest and relaxation continued with dinner with Justine and Rachael at a pub. I wanted to get real English Fish and Chips but they were out (what english pub runs out of fish and chips I ask you...WHO??) so I settled for Bangers and Mash, and it was well worth the sacrifice! We had a great visit, and chatted about everything and anything. After dinner we went on the hunt for a cup of tea, but could find no cafes around that were serving it, or desert, so instead called it a night. When Justine and I got back to her place she went to bed, and I crawled into my bed and watched the season finale of CSI from last season (SO GOOD!).
My second day in Jolly old London, I met up with Fay for lunch and some shopping...although there was no purchasing going on. I did find a few things I liked, but nothing I loved. After my afternoon out, I met with Susan and we went to the Rainforest Cafe to celebrate her birthday (which had been the day before). Dinner was good, and the staff made her stand up while they sang Happy fun! After dinner we went to see Pride & Prejudice. I loved it...Kiera Knightly wasn't as good as the original Elizabeth from the BBC miniseries, but the guy that played Mr. Darcy was quite broody and very convincing. It was sad to miss some of the parts, but it was really well done for 2 hours...and to my future husband, please watch the last scene between Darcy and Elizabeth in the field to get tips on how to propose...seriously, copy and you will SO get marrying me...of course! Where we saw the movie though, in Lester Square (SO not spelled that way, but its the way it pronounced and I don't remember exactly how its written!) and it was a movie watcher paradise. Around 4 different theatres with 3-4 movies fun!
Yesterday was my last day in town, so I did a little shopping in the morning and then met Justine for lunch. On the way there, the bus I was ridding actually got side swipped by another bus that was turning left while we were turning right. It was really weird because the other driver just got out of the bus, checked from afar, then got back in and drove away, while we sat in the middle of the intersection for like 10 minutes before moving again. I guess there was nothing wrong with the bus because no one said anything about it.
After lunch with Justine, did a little more browsing in the shops before catching the tube to the Coach station. My plane left at 7pm, and so I planned to take the 3:30pm bus, but shopping/browsing got in the way (PS I did end up finding a great new jacket to keep me warm! NEXT is my new fav store! I'll post a picture of it later on) and so I didn't get to the bus station until 4:30pm for the bus. When I had come into town from the airport, the bus had taken around an hour and 15 minutes, with a little bit of traffic, so I had assumed that 2 hours would be enough time to get me to the airport on time. Unfortunately I thought wrong, and my bus hit some major traffic in London, and I didn't end up getting to the airport until 6:52pm. Needless to say, I missed my flight. Of course, the next one didn't leave until 6:30am today, so I spent the night in the airport. It wasn't too bad, I got a nice bench, and had my sleeping bag, and was able to get around 4 hours of sleep before waking up and panicking because I didn't want to miss my flight again. I see it as a bit of a rite of passage as a traveler to have now spent the night in a terminal. There were so many others doing it as well. So after a flight, a bus ride, and a train ride, I am safely back in Vienna, probably until Monday morning now. Tonight I am planning on going to the opera with Mandy, but not before catching some shut eye because all of a sudden it is starting to catch up with me. I had a fabulous time in London, and thanks to everyone there, especially Justine!
I am looking forward to seeing more of Vienna over the next 2 days, and hopefully doing some laundry! Love to everyone at home!! Keep the emails and comments coming...nothing makes me smile bigger or laugh harder or just make me love knowing you guys are out there thinking of me!


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