The Traveling Adventures of Amanda

This journal is all about my European Adventures! Have a read but just be warned that reading could lead to extreme jealousy!!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Two Sad Farewell

I´m not sure how appropriate this is, but I felt that I welcomed new spirits into the world so why not say goodbye to two here as well.

The first has only been a part of our lives for around 5 years, but he was a gentle soul who brought much happiness to my Grandma´s heart. Late last week Harold passed away peacefully after drinking a capacino from Starbuck (not as a result of the coffee though). He will be remembered for his laugh and his spunk and as being the man who showed the amazing Lib that it is possible to love again after loosing your soul mate. Goodbye Harold. I will dearly miss you.

The second goodbye is not to person, but a member of my family none the less. Last week, in a vet clinic in Thunder Bay Griffyn (or Griphyn or Gryffin) Elizabeth Gulka went to sleep for the last time in the company of mom. She was my cat for 10 wonderful years, bringing laughter and love to all our hearts. I will always remember her dolphin meow, sitting between my legs, eating bugs, sneaking across the deck, and cuddling at night. As I think of her now I still get teary. No cat will ever be as beautiful as you were. I love you.

Anyone need a tissue? I know I do so I´m off. Love to you all.


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