The Traveling Adventures of Amanda

This journal is all about my European Adventures! Have a read but just be warned that reading could lead to extreme jealousy!!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

I'm coming back in a week so...German top 5!!

  1. There is no beating the feeling of staying with family. Although it was the first time that I met Ron, Tanja, Christopher, and Lucia, they were all so warm and welcoming that it was a huge highlight of my trip. I loved being with family and just hanging around for a few days. I was so happy being there that I even fooled Tanja into believing that I never get grumpy!!! I know...I was that excited!!! And of course, it was also a nice break for my wallet.
  2. On the theme of family, I have to say that Christopher and Lucia were absolutely amazing. I know I have talked about them already, but I just couldn't get enough of these two little people!! Christopher is just so funny with the impish gleam in his eye, his crazy counting (50, 80, 20 goats in the field!), and picture drawing. Lucia was too much sometimes...I would nearly be in histarics over her. I will never forget her 'hello!', 'more!', blowing kisses, colouring together, and her 'bye!'...a little Amanda in training if ever I saw one!
  3. Driving around, getting lost, and singing along to my Mp3 player at the top of my lungs
  4. Having a beer at the Hofbrauhaus in Munich with an old German man, listening to authentic German music, and getting a little tipsy right before getting back in the car for the hour-long drive back to Mittenwald, sandwiched between two car seats!
  5. Hockey...thanks to Germany for bringing it back into my life, if only for 2 days. I loved it.


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