The Traveling Adventures of Amanda

This journal is all about my European Adventures! Have a read but just be warned that reading could lead to extreme jealousy!!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

The Hills are Alive with the Sound of Music!!

So today I partook in the most unique Salzburg experience known to man. This is the home of the Von Trapps, and so this afternoon I bought a ticket, boarded the bus, and was off to relive the movie. Roman, our tour guide, took Jocelyn and I, (yes, there were only 2 of us!) all around Salzburg and the surrounding villages, pointing out places that the movie was filmed and singing songs from the movie the whole way. It was one of the most impactful days of my life...ok, so I shouldn't go that far, but it was really fun and I recommend it to anyone comeing within 1000km of Salzburg. So without further ado...the pictures.
This is the Residenze Plaza where Maria comes running out of the Abby and splashes in the water, singing 'I have Confidence in Me' and swinging her guitar case. The funny part of this whole thing is that the Abby is NOWHERE near this plaza! But if you watch the movie, as she is leaving, there are apparently 3 women standing there. That is the real Maria with 2 of her daughters...going to try to watch that part again just to see them!
This church has nothing to do with the movie...just pretty.

The fortress that looks over the city was also used in a few of the shots of the movie, mostly when Maria and the kids are sitting looking down on the city and singing...or talking...I forget which.
The steps in the background were used during the singing of 'Doe a Deer'. Maria and the kids were jumping and singing all over it...we did sing the song later in the fun! I have no idea who that woman is.

This Dwarf is part of a garden where, once again, during 'Doe a Deer', they all pat the the head of one of the statues...not this one though...another one...but they all looked the no worries.

The whole pack of them ran through this, jumping and skipping as they sang. So the last 3 pictures were taken at a place called the Mirabell Palace. It was built by a Prince-Archbishop a long time ago for his lover, who bore him 16 children (although I have heard numbers from anywhere from 10-20 so who knows how many she actually had). It was a huge scandal at the time because Archbishops are clearly supposed to be celabit, but apparently he didn't care.

This house was only used for its grounds...but its so pretty thought I would take a picture!

This is the famous gazebo from the two songs '16 Going on 17', and 'Something Good' Apparently it used to be on the grounds of one of the other castles used in the shoot, given to the owners after filming was over. But the castel is a private house, so tours couldn't go see it. After hours, people would go back and scale the walls and dance around. This lasted a few years until a woman in her 80s scalled the wall (no one is sure how) and was dancing around inside the gazebo and broke her ankle. They then moved it.

The lake and balcony at the back of the house. This 'Castle' wasn't actually used as the house the family lived in during the movie, but the lake in the back was used for the scene where they all fall out of the boat, and the balcony was where Maria and the Captain danced together. SOOO Romantic!
One of the lakes from the opening scene when Maria is singing 'The Hills are Alive....With the Sound of Music!'
A really big mountain...not in the movie, but there is a hotel right on the peak...sooo cool.

This is a picture of the apple struddle that I got at the end of the tour. It came with warm vanilla sause....SO good...I just thought I would share it with you all. I also visited the church where Maria and the Captain got married in the movie, but the picture I took was too dark to post....but it was VERY cool. We reinacted it! I was Maria of course!


  • At 4:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    As usual your pics are great. The scenery is so beautiful. But I must admit the apple struedel looks good enough to eat! It's really too bad you're having such a horrible time!!!! Wish I was there. Safe travelling. Love
    Auntie Shell

  • At 9:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i think it's funny that i worked @ rogers for 5.5 years and i've NEVER seen the sound of music!! I KNOW....before you go crazy on me, i'm gonna go today, and rent the movie, and watch it, and think of you of course.....because you're the reason why i got it!!!

    i love you a lot!!!


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