The Traveling Adventures of Amanda

This journal is all about my European Adventures! Have a read but just be warned that reading could lead to extreme jealousy!!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Spizzzzan - I have no idea...Krissy just made that up!

So I got the travel bug again and decided to come to Spain for 2 weeks to travel with my friend Krissy, who I met in University. Krissy arrived on Saturday from Toronto, but I didn´t get a cheap flight out of Ireland until Sunday so I was a day later in getting here. I flew from Dublin to Valencia, but we were staying in Barcelona, so Sunday was full of traveling! It began at 5am when I had to get up to get a cab to catch a 6am bus to Dublin. Then I caught a flight to Valencia, then a bus into town, then a train to Barcelona, then finally the metro to my hostel! So much transportation!
If you have never been to Barcelona I highly recommend it! Its like no where else I have ever been. It really clean and the architecture is beautiful! My favourite parts so far have been the buildings and parks designed by Gaudi. He tried to incorporate nature into his buildings, never using straight lines, and always using colour. Fabulous! I just wish he were still alive so he could design my house for me!
My first night here we just went out and had burgers at the Hard Rock (SO NOT Spanish I know but we were both craving them!) and wandered around Las Rambla (the open market) and around Plaza Catalunya. Even at midnight the streets and restaurants are still hopping with eaters! LOVE IT!
Yesterday we woke up and had our free breakfast of celeral and toast (Krissy was disapointed but I was in heaven! I LOVE cereal!). We were going to do a Gaudi tour, but then decided to do the Hop on-Hop off tour. It was really great and we saw SO much of Barcelona! I have taken a million pictures so far and I promis to load them all when I get back to Ireland, I just forgot to bring my USB cord with me!
Last night we decided to head out for some drinks and dinner. I invited a girl that I met on the flight from Dublin to join us, so while we waited for her we had some Sangria at the cafe below our hostel. SOOOO yummy however I think that the stuff I make is a little better. After Victoria arrived we wandered around and found a great restaurant. I had the Tortalini with fresh Asparagus and Sundried tomatoes, then a serving of escargo. However, I assumed that the escargo would come first but the tortalini did. It was a little weird but still really enjoyable.
In the room we were staying in there was a guy that was SO in love with himself it was crazy! Krissy was convince he was over-compensating for something. I would have to agree. He was really taned and would walk around in just his boxer-briefs. When he came home fromt he bar he would talk so loud and turn on the light, no matter if people were sleeping or not, and last night he actually turned off the A/C before going to bed! He was sleeping almost under it, but he should have just put more clothes on because the rest of us were dying of heat but didn´t know how to turn it back on!
Today Krissy and I went to an appartment that Gaudi designed and then did a little shopping. But no shopping seizure to be had. H&M had some great buys, but apparently women in Spain have no boobies because I tried on a dress at Zara that I LOVED and it was loose around the waist but my girls were BURSTING out of the top! Now I admit that they are a little big, but it was so tight! Needless to say I didn´t get the dress!
After shopping we had to move hostels for one night, but the one we have moved into is so amazing! It looks like we are living in a Tree House! We have to actually climb a ladder to get up to the platform where our two mattresses are located. So awsome!
Now we are going to go and wander around the markets and then grab some dinner. Tomorrow we are renting a car and are going to start to travel around the country. Super pumped about it!
Love to everyone at home!


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