The Traveling Adventures of Amanda

This journal is all about my European Adventures! Have a read but just be warned that reading could lead to extreme jealousy!!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Vertical hills and Narrow streets - updated

It has been a few days since I posted last so this one is going to be a bit of a catch up.
After spending the night in Valencia, Krissy and I drove south and spent 2 nights in Granada. We made good time and arrived when it was still light out, unfortunately our road map book sucks when it comes to city maps, providing only a few of the street names. So once again we were driving around until 11pm looking for our hostel! The difference this time was that the streets are almost vertical and really narrow so there were some close calls and quite a bit of stalling. After an hour of trying to navigate the old roads we decided to just park down town at an underground and take a cab up. It turned out to be one of the best ideas we had ever had...or at least that we had had that day.
Our hostel was the cutest little place, all open air, with hammocks scattered around, and trees to give shade. Unfortunately some selfish Stag party was booking in the next day so we couldn´t stay there a second night. Luckily we found a second hostel just down from that one and were able to stay another night in Granada.
After checking into our new room, Krissy and I decided to do another Hop on/Hop off tour (seriously we are keeping these things in business at the moment!). First we went up to Alhambra, an old muslim mosque/palace/ruin area, got our tickets and time to show up (because there can only be a few people inside at any time, you are given a specific time to show up to enter) then we did the whole tour for the afternoon. It is a really beautiful town with a very middle easter feel to it. Apparently there was an invasion from Morocco hundreds of years ago and although they made their way all the way up to France, the invaders were pushed back south and settled mostly in the southern Spain area. Needless to say there was some fabulous buildings to see and great shopping too!
At 430pm we went back to the Alhambra and walked around the gardens before entering the palace at 5pm. It was incredible. The relief work on the walls took my breath away and the incorporation of water and light into the rooms was incredible. Just wait for my pictures to see for yourself!
After spending a few hours wandering around, we decided it was time to eat so headed down to Plaza Nueva and had some beers and sangria and chicken and potatoes. It started to pour right in the middle of dinner, but we were under umbrellas so missed most of it.
Last night we wandered around and did some shopping, then headed back to our hostel. This next part is not for the faint of heart. I fell asleep really quickly but woke up in the middle of the night because I had to go to the bathroom. While I was debating risking my life to climb down off the top bunk using only the rickety room chair as a step, I heard a weird noise. After concentrating for a second I realized that it was coming from the guy staying in the bottom bunk of the other bed. He was pleasuring himself. I have to say that in the three months I traveled I had never before heard anyone masturbating in the same room, not to say that it didn´t happen, I just hadn´t heard it before. I didn´t want to interupt him so just stayed in bed and feel asleep shortly after he found release. It was definetly and interesting situation, and one that I hope doesn´t happen again. I felt like such an intruder!

Today we did one last route of the Hop on /Hop off and then headed further south to the coast. For the first time since Krissy and I got our car, we successfully got to our hostel without any trouble. We are spending 2 nights in a small city called Tarifa and as soon as we found our hostel we made a bee-line right for the beach. After posting this we are going to head back to the hostel and cook some dinner and then we´ll see where the night takes us.
I´ll post another message in a day or two!
Check back!
Love to everyone!


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