The Traveling Adventures of Amanda

This journal is all about my European Adventures! Have a read but just be warned that reading could lead to extreme jealousy!!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Can You Feel that Heat???

I have just finished eating a huge dinner of pasta and can´t seem to move so thought this would be the perfect time to put up a new posting. Lots to share of our visit in Seville. Yesterday we left Tarifa in the morning, being on the road by 11am, the earliest yet of our travels. Krissy had read about a place on the way to Seville where they make Sherry and Brandy, so we planned to stop for a few hours and do the winery tour. It took us about an hour and a half to get to Jerez, and after a little navigation, we stumbled upon ´Tio Pepe´, maker of Sherry. We lucked out and made it right on time to do the English tour at 12:30pm. The tour was pretty interesting, we learned about how they make the wine and the differences between Sherry fermentation and Brandy Fermentation. The best part was the incredibly cheesy video they showed at the end of the tour. SO funny!
Of course when it was all over we got to sample the Sherry and both Krissy and I realized that we are NOT fans of the stuff. We actually got a 500ml bottle to ourselves and barely made it through the neck of the bottle! The redeeming thing was that after the tasting we stopped in the gift shop and did a little shopping! Fun times!
After Jerez we got back in the car and headed onto Seville. Our luck seemed to be with us because we actually found the hostel with little effort, and were checked in by 5pm. I decided to have a little rest while Krissy went and did a little shopping...our hostel just happens to be in the middle of the shopping district so it´s really difficult to leave the hostel without buying something...H&M has been my weakness so far! After Krissy came back to get me and we did a little more shopping, we decided to go and get some dinner. We stumbled upon a little street with a few restaurants and decided to have dinner at one of them. We both had great dinners and Sangria, and then more Sangria, and then more. By the end of the night the waiters were just giving us half jugs of it so we would stick around. Apparently I was pretty amusing. The funniest part of the night was when we were ordering desert and there was a picture of a dancing cow in the menu and the waiter pointed to it and then to me. We both could not believe he had just done it but then could not stop laughing. For the rest of the night we would tell him that we hated him after he brought us anything...but of course thanked him for it before.
After getting really tipsy we headed back to the hostel and fell into bed.
This morning we woke up and had breakfast and then headed out into the heat to do some sight seeing. Unfortunately in the middle of the night Krissy seems to have been attacked by some sort of bug that gave her bites on her back and legs. She was itching really badly and I had to stop her from scratching them a few times. No idea what caused them but, no worries because she changed beds so fingers crossed it does not happen again tonight!
Once again we hopped on the bus tour and saw the sights. We were going to do a walking tour that was included but we missed the afternoon one and then the evening one wasn´t until 7pm but we got lazy and didn´t want to go back. After the tour we went and saw the Palace which is called the Real Alcazar, and is a building that is mainly Muslim in design. So beautiful. After that we went and saw the Gothic Cathedrale which was really different. It was kind of cool to see them right after each other and compare the differences in styles. The highlight of the Cathedrale is the tomb of Christopher Columbus, which according to Dan Brown´s novle, Digital Fortress, contains only Columbus´scrotum. Don´t know if its true, but its really funny if it is.
After a little more shopping we headed back to the hostel and got showered and changed and then headed out for dinner.
We were going to go to a Flamenco show tonight but realized that we need to get up EARLY in the morning to get to Madrid by 5pm to return the car, and have time to stop in Cordoba to see another Muslim Palace. We are going to be giving one of the girls in our room a ride to Cordoba which will be fun. Sadly I only have another 4 sleeps on my holiday and then its back to the real world as I currently know it in not really much to complain about!
Love to everyone!


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