The Traveling Adventures of Amanda

This journal is all about my European Adventures! Have a read but just be warned that reading could lead to extreme jealousy!!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

That´s a GINORMOUS Friggin Rock!

This morning Krissy and I decided to take a trip out to Gibraltar to check out the rock and the monkeys that roam free on the little piece of British soil. We were about 10 minutes from our hostel when I realized that I had forgotten my passport at the hostel desk (they keep it until you give them back the key) so we had to return to the hostel and pick it up. After exchanging Krissy´s Driver´s Licence for my Passport, we were on our way again. We parked our car on the Spanish side and walked through the border, jumped on a bus and headed into the centre of the city. We were going to do the cable car up to the top, but some tour guy asked if we wanted to his tour and save some money so we did. We made a stop at a couple look-out points, at a man-made cave from the 1800s, and at naturally formed cave that had tones of those stallic (is that what they are called?) formations. But my favourite stops were when we stopped to hang out with the monkeys. Apparently the british soldiers brought them as their masquots years and years ago and now the island is over-run with them. They are so humane and completely adorable. I offered to bring one home but they said I wasn´t allowed to. I got a few pictures with one on my shoulder and will post it soon!
After our tour we decided to take advantage of the British Heritage and have lunch at a pub. We both had Pints and Fish & Chips. So yummy.
We are back in Tarifa for the night and tomorrow we are going to head to Seville for 2 nights and then onto Madrid. I just can´t believe how quickly the time has gone by! As soon as I get home I will start to post pictures so everyone can enjoy the great time I had!
Love to everyone!


  • At 3:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Props to Amanda for us going on the Gibralter tour, because I thought the guy looked so sketchy (no ticket booth, just a running van off to the side) , and was going to kidnap us and do bad things to us, but it turned out to be fantastic, so clearly don´t trust my instinct!


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