The Traveling Adventures of Amanda

This journal is all about my European Adventures! Have a read but just be warned that reading could lead to extreme jealousy!!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Picture it! Gibralta

So here it is...the huge ginormous rock of Gibralta! Because the far side of it is flat it creates its own weather system. The top is usually cloudy and really windy, sometimes also creating lots of rain. We did get to the top (or near it) and looked over the side and almost got knocked backwards the wind is so strong! Good times had though in 'Little UK'!

Here I am with my new little friend...his name is Harry. I don't know if that is really his name but he seemed like a Harry to me so that's what I am going to call him. He was so cute! I really wanted to bring home a monkey but didn't know how Orla would feel about it...and as it turns out Sinead would not have been too happy about it either! However if you are ever in the market for a monkey I would totally head to Gibralta because our tour guide was telling us that the monkey population is getting out of hand and they have to 'get rid' of a few of them every year...I don't know what it means but it made me get a little sad. Anyway, funny picture! Hope you enjoy it!


  • At 8:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Amanda you are an idiot! you had a great chance of having a monkey butler and you through it away! I can't even finnish this thought because I am so inraged!

    but seriously you could have had a monkey butler...just a thought.



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