The Traveling Adventures of Amanda

This journal is all about my European Adventures! Have a read but just be warned that reading could lead to extreme jealousy!!

Monday, June 19, 2006

Spain Top 10

  1. 'Season Frutti' - Apparently when you order seasonal fruit at a cafe in Spain you don't receive a little fruit salad, but rather just a whole fruit...In Krissy's case this was an orange that she had to peel...and it cost her €2! It was yummy but not that good!
  2. The Napkins - I have no idea who designed the napkins used at most restaurants but they were so thick and plush that I just wanted to steal a bunch of them and sew them together to make a quilt!
  3. Gaudi, Gaudi, everywhere! - Everything in Barcelona seemed to be designed by Gaudi from apartments to churches to parks to even lamp posts! All followed his principles of taking cues from nature and were all really beautiful...but I did wonder if the expression 'That's so gaudy' is in reference to this style of design? Anyone?
  4. Yummy Sangria - It flows like water in this fabulous country and I just couldn't seem to get enough! I even slowly converted Krissy to the red side! So making it whenever I get the chance!
  5. Do you smell something? - Anyone who knows me well knows that I have no embarrassment about going to the bathroom and letting my friends know about it. Unfortunately Krissy wasn't used to it and was not quite comfortable with it at first; however I feel that by the end of our travels she just let it roll off her back!
  6. Am I black yet? - Although we only made it to the beach one day, both Krissy and I successfully developed a bit of colour. Unfortunately my left arm got a nice burn between my shoulder and elbow from driving one day, and then a burn on the back of my right shoulder when we did the tour in Madrid. But I have a base (as my mom would call it) and will keep putting on that fake tan to keep it up all summer!
  7. Do you have a Bus Tour? - Krissy and I pretty much single-handedly kept the entire Hop on / Hop off tours in the cities we went to in business. They are such a great way (if a little expensive) to see the entire city and hear a little of the history. Barcelona as probably the best of the ones we did, but all were really fun. The best part too was that they all had open tops so we could keep cool in the breeze while still getting a little sun! Fabulous!
  8. Master Bation - I know I already talked about it on my blog, but I still think it is so funny that I caught one of my roommates getting it on with himself in our room! Good on him for having the guts to do it in a dorm room but isn't that what bathrooms are for?
  9. Yellow Pain on the bumper + Windex + a Sponge = no extra Hertz charges - While driving George on the first day we needed to get a little extra petrol and I miss-judged the curb (but the woman directing me up to the pump was NO help what-so-ever!) and ended up getting some yellow pain on bumper. But with a little elbow grease and a bottle of Windex we were able to get it all off! Windex really is the miracle solution!
  10. 2487km - the number of KM we drove in 7 days

BONUS Traveling with Krissy...she put up with LOTS of my crap but kept us on the right track with her navigation and was great fun! Thanks for inviting me along Krissy!


  • At 7:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Amanda has no crap to put up with she is an angel! Seriously, except for the cell phone throwing incident and the..... oh oh, I just joking hahaha.

    Seriously had a blast, Definitely recommend spain to all you readers!
    I am a big fan of the yellow paint it was quiet the work of art, if I do say so my self.




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