The Traveling Adventures of Amanda

This journal is all about my European Adventures! Have a read but just be warned that reading could lead to extreme jealousy!!

Friday, August 18, 2006

On your mark, get set...

The first week in August is Race time in Galway. Its 7 days of horse racing, champagne, and partying in the fun! The girls and I all decided to get dressed up on Thursday night and head into town for the night. This is Orla and I in our hot outfits before we left the house.

This is our ride into town. That's Gwenda in the white jacket, its her car. You can't really see her, but Cliona is also in the car. We were really riding in style! I LOVED IT!
Its not illegal to drink in the streets in Europe and never was this as obvious as during the races! You could barely move in the streets they were so packed with partiers! The amazing thing is that although everyone is cramed together, there are no fights!
One thing that did amaze me though were all the girls dressed up in beautiful outfits and hats! I felt so posh!

Here are Gwenda (in the white), Cliona, and I drinking outside Naughteans (I will never be able to spell that!). We met so many funny people!

This is Paul (my employment agent) and Gwenda. It was all about the business contacts at the races!

Apparently this guys name is Mr Weasle...I have no idea what was up with the outfit or the stickers we was handing out but it he was french and histarical!

This is one of Cliona's sisters, Maeve. I got REALLY excited when she came in with a Tim Horton's coffee cup...probably a little too excited because apparently I started to screech and some guy got really pissy about it...but I told him to chill out...I was just excited to see something from home!

This is the line up for the taxis. The line was SO long...not really sure why I took this picture though!


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